What’s Happening at Hope Iowa City?

Wednesday, April 16 & Friday, April 18
HopeKids (Hope’s version of Sunday School) is our high-energy, weekend program for children age 5 through grade 5. At HopeKids, children will experience dynamic teachings and upbeat worship songs with relevant breakout activities in between!

Sunday, April 20, 9:30 am
Join us for Easter at Hope as we celebrate the love and promise of eternal life God provides all of us through his son, Jesus Christ!

This Lent we are partnering with the Come and See Foundation to raise funds to translate “The Chosen” into languages not yet available, Javanese (Indonesia) and Amharic (Ethiopia), which has the potential to reach 20+ million people with the Gospel!

Sunday, May 4, 10:45 am – 12:15 pm
Learn from church leaders what it means to be a member, available service and ministry opportunities, and the vision God has given Hope for the future. Lunch is provided! Walk-ins welcome.
Get Involved at Hope Iowa City
We are building community and one of the best ways to do that is to get involved! Find ways to meet others, connect with new friends, and help discover God’s plan for you at Hope Iowa City.

Find a Class
Whether it’s Hope’s online classes or those developing in Iowa City, learn how to get connected.

Volunteer at Hope Iowa City
No one person is meant to carry out the mission of the church alone. Your gifts and talents will serve God’s Kingdom. Get plugged in by volunteering at Hope Iowa City.